Xpert Decision Systems
Credit Bureau
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Credit Bureau
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Xpert Decision Systems is a registered credit bureau in South Africa.
Mobiloan has integrated with Xpert Decision Systems for purposes of obtaining consumer data and financial information.
The above noted data is returned to Mobiloan in the form of a credit report.
PHILOSOPHYAt XDS we believe that customer value and lifecycle management has largely replaced old fashioned credit management as a tool to minimize risk and improve profitability within a business.
With this in mind, we are committed to providing smarter and more technologically advanced information solutions to credit grantors and other data users so that they can make better decisions regarding the granting of credit to new customers. We maintain the highest standards of integrity relating to data privacy, confidentiality and quality of information and comply fully with all relevant legislation such as the National Credit Act. We seek to build long term partnerships with our customers as we help them to grow their business.
Source : https://www.xds.co.za/about/
It is a requirement of the National Credit Act that credit providers perform an affordability assessment.
As part of the process it makes sense that you obtain a copy of the current obligations of the client.
The most reliable way to get this information is to make enquiry with a registered credit bureau.
Currently Xpert Decision Systems offers credit reports in HTML and PDF format.
While the credit reports generated by Experian and XDS are similar they each have their own unique layouts and service offerings and in turn cost structures.
Mobiloan does not advocate the use of any particular credit bureau, but should you choose to make use of our application you will need an active account with either Experian or XDS.