Audit Log

View live changes made to the database by interrogating the device, operator and branch...

Filtering the Audit log.

The screenshot below depicts the "Audit Log Search" modal.

When filtering / searching for an audit log, it is important to understand the following:

  • Each Audit log is unique for every operator using the application

  • Each operator is unique to a device.

  • Each device belongs to a specific branch.

  • It is good to know which period (date-range) you wish to view the Audit Logs between.

  • If the user wishes to view all options, rather than specify a field,it is best that the field be left blank, as instructed.

The Audit Log Screen

Upon defining the search criteria, the results will be displayed in the "Audit Logs" screen as shown in the screenshot below:

The Audit log screen comprises of :


Table of filters

  • Displays all filters or search criteria derived from the Audit Log Search modal.

Table of Database Changes

  • Displays all records of results based on the given criteria

Table Actions Panel

  • Panel of actions presenting the user with the possible table actions


This action is useful if the "Client" model is included in the search criteria.

  • It represents a toggle which shows/hides the client column.


This action is useful if the "Client" model is included in the search criteria.

  • This is also a table action which allows the user to filter the table of results according to a specific client.

  • This is done by entering either the client number or ID number of the client.

Evaluating an Audit Log

Evaluating the audit log obligates the user to to have a good understanding of each column of the object table in order to asses each record.

Each column of the table is explained below!


Refers to the type of database change, which is limited to:

  • UPDATE, meaning an edit was performed; OR

  • CREATE, meaning a new configuration was created; OR

  • DELETE, meaning an object was deleted.


Indicates the time and date at which the change was made.

Sample Data:

  • "2022-12-05 15:15"


Indicates the current Data model in the database which is affected Example Models:

  • Bank Account

  • Loan

  • Client


The description of what "field" in the data model was changed. This helps to specify the exact change that was made:


  • If the Model chosen was : "Address", and the Action is Create, : The object description may be, "100 Khan Road, Albersville"


Refers to the operator or user who made the corresponding change


Refers to the device name of the device which the change was recorded on.


Refers to which workflow was used during the change.

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