
For businesses that lend on Payroll, this module is developed for users to send, track and manage their payroll remittances.

A payroll remittance is a summary of the borrower's loan installment repayments to be collected by the debtor representative on behalf of the credit provider which corresponds to the repayment period stated.

The operator is required to issue Payroll remittances to the corresponding employers via email.


  • Creating a new remittance

  • Viewing previous remittances.

  • Viewing the publish summary.


As depicted in the screenshot below, the "Payroll Remittance Screen" consists of:

  • A table of Previous Remittances.

  • A panel of actions, allowing the user to create a new remittance, view the Summary of sent remittances and export the data.

Creating a new remittance

Payroll remittances are essentially a loan repayment schedule, therefore the process of issuing the schedule consists merely of searching for inst

  1. The Payroll branch,

  2. The Employer,

  3. The Installment Start and End period, (or choose a predetermined date range from the drop-down)

  4. The installment statuses.

Upon selecting the "Search option", the Remittance results will be displayed in the "Remittance Results" modal, shown below:

Viewing previous remittances

The previous remittances table displays all previous remittances made by the current operator as rows in the object table along with significant details of each remittance such as:

  • When the remittance was made;

  • The employer;

  • The balance

  • The recipient's email

Selecting a previous report from the table will present the user with exporting options such as:

  • Resubmitting the chosen export, which will perform the export for that model and allow the usr to configure the filter again.

  • Download the CSV formatted version of the export that is chosen

  • Email the export to any specified email address

  • Remove the export from the table.

Summary Sent

Selecting this action presentsto the user a 6 month schedule of which opertaor issued a payroll remittance in the previous months. This data is in a table format and can be asseses in the Screenshot below.

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