Step 1 - Enable branches for online lending

A single instance of your online lending platform is defined per branch, which means that :

  1. You may have multiple online lending websites whereby each instance is associated with a single default branch in Mobiloan.

  2. You may have a single online lending website whereby each application will be linked to multiple branches linked to either an existing client or an agent.

  3. Creating a seperate Online Branch designated to the origination, payout and maintenance of online loans will be greatly beneficial for reporting and analysis purposes.

Activating a Branch for online lending

You must first enable a branch for online lending to ensure that any online application may be linked to that branch. To do so:

  1. Navigate to the Setup Menu and select the Branch Setup option.

  2. Select a branch you would like to lend out from .

  3. In the Settings Tab, enable the 'Online Branch' as seen in the screenshot below:

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