Payout Commission

Select the "Payment History" option in order to do the following:

  1. Manually pay out commission.

  2. Edit the agent's account details.

In order to payout agent commission from within Mobiloan:

  1. Select the Payout Commission item from the commission menu.

  2. If the company has multiple branches linked to the instance, the user will be required to select a branch first.

  3. After the user has selected a branch, Mobiloan will load a table of pending payments, as seen in the example below:

In order to effect the payment, simply select a pending payment from the table and select the Payout Commission option.

As you would notice, the following options are available when selecting a pending payment:

  1. Edit the agent's profile.

  2. Edit the agent wallet account.

  3. Edit the agent's bank account.

Last updated