Creating a New Area

Creating a New Area.

Select the "+ New Area" option. This will trigger an "Area Search " by presenting a search modal (see screenshot (a)). Mobiloan will then perform an area search using Google Maps and display the result in the "Select Area" screen (see screenshot (b)) for the user to validate.

Details required when creating an area.

The details required to specify is listed in the table below:


Area Co-ordinates.

  • Obtained from the marker set on the Google Map.

Area Name

  • Describes the name of the area

  • An area is any

Area Radius size

  • Specify the radius size, by which defines the area.

  • As a measure of control, Mobiloan may be configured to allow only those applications within the given Area Radius, to be processed.


  • Specify the branch by which this area is linked to.


  • A toggle setting to either activate commission earning in this area or not.

Last updated