Home Page
Below is an example of the Home page screen layout for a user with the necessary permissions to access to all the modules in Mobiloan.
Restricted View
The options visible in the main menu and on the Home page will vary based on user permissions.
The various modules containing all the functionality available in Mobiloan including :
It is perhaps pertinent here to again confirm that a Mobiloan user will only see those modules that they have been given permission to access.
Permissions are assigned to Roles in Mobiloan and Roles in turn assigned to Users.
A User can have access to all or some of the Mobiloan modules. This is determined by your own internal systems of control and operating procedures.
The current user with their role noted underneath. A user can use this to edit their user profile quickly and easily without having to navigate via the maintenance module in Mobiloan. On the view they can edit their profile picture, change their password, edit their signature and update their personal contact details.
Users updating their profiles via the Home screen will not be able to change the branches that they have access to, nor will they be able to change their user type, i.e. citizen or foreigner, nor will they be able to change their identity or passport numbers.
The above can only be done via the Maintenance module in Mobiloan and even then only if the user has the requisite permissions.
The hamburger menu and sync status notification are in the top right hand corner.
The Mobiloan Home page is the starting point for all users once they have logged into Mobiloan.
The modules available to a user on the Home page will differ based on the roles and related permissions they have been assigned in Mobiloan.
Users can set the branches that they would like to access during their session by selecting them from the branch drop down at the top of the view.
Users can also change certain personal details associated with their user profile by clicking on their name at the bottom of the view.
Last updated